Karen B

‘The Walk’ was one of the finest scenic walks we have undertaken, abundance of flora and fauna and impressive views everywhere you looked.

Parks Victoria could however provide more boardwalks to protect the mosses (especially in the really wet areas). We completed the overland track in Tasmania earlier this year and the boardwalks have made a big difference there. A few more signs with distances, like 2kms to go on, would be easy just put them on the GOW signs all ready there.

Our tips for future walkers would be to be prepared for wet weather and make sure they have a shuttle bus drivers like ours! They are a great asset to the GOW, they were very helpful in so many ways.

Nancy our contact at Walk 91 did a wonderful job helping us to plan trip. Well done!…We all agreed that the walking package was well put together. Thank you to Mark and Nancy for all the assistance.